วันศุกร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My daily in the week

On monday I got up early. because today was official holiday. It was a lent day. I went to a tample in the village. I went to in this here with my mother. My mother made a food for a priest. And made a cake too. Mom and I went to a tample at about eight o'clock. We presented a food and cake for a priests. Ater that The priest gave a boon for everybody in the rest house. After that We came back to house of grandfather.The grandfather,auntanduncle lived in this house. They had a small shop in front of a house. They didn't work hard. Because were a rich and don't son. but they were a happy. Mom and I ate breakfast with them. A food was a dilicious. I liked it and I liked a cake so much. It had a lot of cheery jerry on the cake. And It was a good thing. It had a taste of balance. I ate a cake only. After that Mom and I came back.
On Tuesday I got up late. I got up at ten o'clock. I hurry up took a baht and ate a breakfast. This morning I drank milk and confect. I ate chocolate and honey. It was a delicious. After that I did my homework.and to be one's guard for sleep. My mother awakened me at about twevel o'clock. After that we went to Major-ceneplax. I wanted ti see a movie with my mother. And she agreed with me. I would to ate an ice-cream0 We went to a ice-cream shop. I order ice-cream from menu. It was so delicious and she agreed with me. We see a movie is very funny. It was a Harry Potter. It was a bout bewitch and magic. It had in a dreamworld. Don't a true world. But the movie was a good and interesting. I liked its. After that we went to a dinner. We went to "Renad-MaI". It was a pup & restaurant. In this here had been a music group. The were a professinal of single. They song a good of song. and We came back. Today was happy freetime for me.
On Wednesday I got up at nine o'ciock. Today was a freetime for me. I usually did a clean house. I was very tried.But I was ok. I didn't go to the university. So, I relaxed in my house. In freeday I read a book. I liked read a book. I liked korea book. Because It was a romantic style And a character was very handsome . A cartoon had a dreamworld. Don't true world. But Everytime I was a happy that read it. After that I ate to lunch. I ate a noodle. It had a delicious. And I ate a cookies and orange juice. After that I watched tv. I see a cartoon. the cartoon was Conun. It was a detective boy. He was a clver and to be able. At nine o'clock. I went to a dinner wioth my friend. And sleeped.
On Thursday Today was studyday. I got up early at six o'clock. I took a baht and ate a confect and went to university. The first subject was English 1. And I studied finished at 14:00 pm. After that I went to slam square with my friend I went to shopping in Bonunza And dinner in the slam Paragon. We walked around the slam paragon. We were very tried. After that We went to the ice-momter shop. It had an ice in the milk,sweet liquid and fruit berry. I thought so delicious it. And we ate a japan crap in the slam paragon. It had a cream mustard and a lot of fruit.And We came back now.
